What’s Better?

You’re busy, and that daily 15- to 20-minute walk doesn’t seem to stand up to your weekend exercise marathons, right? Not so fast — the truth may surprise you! It’s pretty much unanimous among health experts: The daily walk, even for 10 or 20 minutes, is better than the all-day weekend hike. Daily exercise is superior to being a weekend warrior. Couch potatoes Monday through Friday who become vigorous athletes Saturday and Sunday can easily end up with both acute and overuse injuries.

Not only that, but if you have the time to walk 15 minutes each day, the consistency is better for your health and fitness — and according to Michael R. Bracko, Ed.D., a spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine, these short walks can be the start of bigger and better fitness and health efforts and could ultimately change your life.

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Have a healthy and fit day!