Weight loss is a hot topic this time of year. Along with melting fat, women more so are looking to get lean! Which we absolutely love. As well, weight loss doesn’t always have to mean losing the pounds, it can mean swapping them for inches so do not obsess over the number on the scale. 

Yet weight loss and fat loss is easier said than done. It doesn’t just take hard work, it takes a plan and strategy. Keep reading to discover how you can make the struggle with weight loss much easier!

You’re Trying The Wrong Diets

If you’re going to try and lose weight, you’re going to have to think about some sort of routine. Even if that means simply cutting out fatty foods that are high in sugar and salt, and swapping them for something a bit greener and leaner. That can be classed as a diet, you don’t have to follow some of the crazy crazes that there are out there. But if you’re going to, there are some that will work better, and quicker than others. The keto diet is one of them, and thousands of people around the world are on the diet right now. Ketogenic diet foods are easy to come by, so it’s not like this fancy diet is going to cost you a fortune. The diet works by reducing carbs to pretty much nothing, if not cutting them all out. This then encourages the liver to produce ketones which are then used as an energy source, these then break down fats. Once you reach an optimal weight, you then really slowly introduce foods higher in carbs, but still, stick to a whole real food diet!

Cheat Days Aren’t Banned

Cheat days definitely aren’t banned. The reason we feel that so many people fail when on a diet, is because they restrict themselves so much. It’s salads and fruits all the way, leaving your body to heavily crave the things you used to feed it with so much. This leads to massive binges on junk food, and it halts any weight loss progress. So, make every day a cheat day, and pick one item to have. A chocolate bar, a bag of crisps, whatever it may be. All you have to do is make sure you’re having one thing in terms of your cheat… and no that does not mean a massive Dairy Milk chocolate bar counts as one. That way, you always have a little treat to look forward to, and won’t feel the need to snack constantly.