No one is prepared for a health crisis. Whether you are suddenly faced with a scary diagnosis from your doctor or a seemingly harmless medical device causing you harm, you need to find professional support when your health is at stake.

A life-changing diagnosis, for instance, is overwhelming. But you can find help by reaching out to a coach (like a dietitian coach) who is familiar with your condition. Perhaps, you can meet other patients who have learned to deal with the same disease (hence a perk of social media).

If a faulty item is causing injury, you can turn to a defective medical device attorney to arrange for the legal assistance and monetary compensation you need. This is the first step to get better: Knowing that there is help out there for you. A health crisis, regardless of its cause, throws you off balance. Once you’ve established how to secure your lifestyle, you need to consider your mental and physical health implications. How can you get back to your old self after facing a health crisis? 

Create a sporty routine

Your immune system is going through a lot. Health crises have a devastating impact. Indeed, they affect your health twice. Firstly, the condition linked to the crisis is the first impact. But, a crisis also increases your stress levels. You feel worried about facing an unknown situation. The unknown brings fear, which drains your immune system even more. That’s why bringing stability with a morning routine can help you get rid of unnecessary pressure. Your morning routine enables you to start the day with positive energy. Some of the best routines include a protein-based breakfast with 20+ grams of protein and a workout plan. Exercising can boost your fitness level and encourage healing. More importantly, exercising will also help you control negative thinking patterns and stress levels. Physical activity contributes to the release of happiness hormones, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin. These are especially important to the healing process as they fill you with optimism and positivity. In other words, they remove the emotional drain on your immune system. 

Detox your body

Why does your body need to detox? More often than not, going through a health crisis has many consequences. Firstly, your stress levels go through the roof, affecting your sleep, digestion, and energy. You might find yourself relying on additional medications as a consequence of high stress.

Secondly, the excessive presence of medications can also slow down healing as the body constantly uses energy to metabolize sleeping, digestive, and energy tablets. The good news is you can use food to encourage the detox process naturally. Your body has the natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself, so why not help it to break away from the slump? Food such as asparagus can help the kidney and bladder to cleanse the accumulated buildup. Broccoli can support the liver’s clearing unwanted chemicals from the body. Also, be sure to check out my 14-day cleanse that is an effective whole food targeted detox.

Rebuild your strength

We’ve mentioned a high-protein breakfast to start the day. Protein plays a crucial role in helping you gain lean muscles. What do muscles matter so much for the healing process? They improve your metabolism and increase your energy levels, so the body can better sustain the healing process. Ensuring every meal has plenty of protein can make a great deal of difference in the long term. Contrary to common belief, you don’t need to eat meat or fish to get the protein you need. Nuts such as almonds and peanuts are high in protein; tofu, Greek Yoghurt, and soybeans are also fantastic alternatives to fuel your muscles. 

Soothe the mind

It makes no doubt that some health crises can leave you emotionally shaken. Accidental injuries caused by defective devices or by an unavoidable collision could affect your mental health. It’s not uncommon to develop post-traumatic stress disorder after a terrifying health problem. Whether you call it PTSD or high anxiety, your mental health could be difficult to manage when you feel overwhelmed by your recovery process. People with high anxiety often rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms, which can affect the healing process. That’s why it can be essential to learn healthy and effective approaches to take back control when your anxiety gets in the way. Progressive muscle relaxation is the equivalent of physical medication, using physical signals to relax the mind and the body. You can also use journaling as a method to express your thoughts and reduce anxiety triggers. 

Coping with the aftermath of a health crisis can be a long and challenging journey. But you need to give yourself the resources you need to regrow. Finding guidance from individuals who have been through the same experience can help you to remain optimistic. Additionally, seeking financial and legal support can also remove a significant source of worry. But as you embark on the healing journey, you need to actively help your mind and body heal. Fear and fatigue go hand-in-hand to slow down healing, Don’t let them get the better of you.