As we age, our bones weaken, but we can take steps to counteract this. The food we choose to eat can have a strong influence and impact on our bone health. For example, there are a number of foods that you need to avoid. Read on to discover more about seven of the harshest foods for bone health. Please note, many of these suggestions are from observational studies, which are designed to detect associations but cannot prove causation.
Inflammatory foods – Inflammatory foods can include nightshade vegetables for some populations, such as eggplant, white potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, and tomatoes, especially those who have joint pain or auto-immune disease. However, the takeaway here is any food you are sensitive to, can cause inflammation, which is a cause of osteoporosis.
Alcohol – Moderating booze is important if you are going to maintain bone health. Heavy and chronic alcohol consumption is known to contribute to delayed fracture healing, an increased risk of fractures, decreased bone formation and low bone mass.
Legumes – You may be shocked to learn that legumes can be bad for bone health when not prepared properly. The prime culprits are peas, navy beans, and pinto beans. They can disrupt your body from absorbing calcium because they are high in phytate. You don’t need to eliminate beans from your diet altogether, but make sure you soak them in water before cooking them to reduce phytate level.
Caffeine – Are you someone who relies on caffeine to get them through the day? Caffeine saps bone strength because it leaches calcium from bones. In fact, for every 100 mg of caffeine you consume, you are going to lose approximately 6 mg of calcium.
Soda – While drinking cola can be very tempting, try to resist. Drinking a lot of soda can negatively impact your bone health and teeth. If you drink seven or more sodas per week, you increase the risk of a fracture due to a reduction in bone mineral density.
You can also take Z health training courses to find out more about the foods that will help you to fight pain. After all, it’s just as much about what you do eat, as about the foods you should avoid.
Stating the obvious, can’t see our bones, but we often do not realize that there is a problem until we experience pain. However, the best thing to do is assess your lifestyle and diet, and make improvements that can support your well-being and bone health.
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