Regardless of the snowflakes in the forecast today, I am very excited to inch closer spring. With seasonal changes, comes change with what I am eating and craving. This month, I have a few go-to’s in the grocery store including the below.

1. Wild Cod and Halibut

Protein is a core focus in my meals. Eating a minimum of 30 grams of protein at each meal, especially breakfast, helps control blood sugar and provide satiety. In case you have seen a lot of buzz around high protein diets being as bad as smoking, please read this article to help understand why that is an extreme statement for weak data.

2. Power Deep Green Blend (1.5 lb bag)

I easily go through this blend of kale, spinach and chard within 5 days. Predominately used to pack a blender full for my AM smoothie (along with protein powder, maca powder, green tea (I put in 2 entire sachet’s worth, and a small amount of fruit), and other times I use it as a base for a salad. Delicious and nutritious this purchase serves up vitamin A, C, Iron and fiber. Above all, I try to eat 6-10 servings of non-starchy vegetables a day, and this blend provides an easy way to do just that.

3. Asparagus

Reaching their peak season end of March early April, these spears just make me feel good when I eat them. Whether I roast them, blank them or eat them raw, I am doing my body good eating asparagus. These green guys are packed with antioxidants, vitamin C, E, A and folate (B vitamins), prebiotics, fiber and more.  And one more personal health tip to consider – I find I do best by planning a vegetable to go along with my afternoon snack to aid in eating plenty of nutrients (low calorie) while providing volume and satisfaction leading me to a balanced appetite for dinner. While still breastfeeding and now training for the Soldier Field 10 miler, I can tend to get “hangry” if I don’t fill up.

4. Parsley

Feeling a little bloated? It’s nice to know this fresh herb is a natural way to help flush out excess fluid, thus supporting our kidneys. Serving a purpose beyond a decorative plate, I buy a bushel weekly and throw it in any of my meals imaginable – from eggs to salads to meat.  Parsley is also good for our bones, heart, blood pressure and energy levels.

5. Mandarins

One reason I like buying citrus is I don’t need to feel in a hurry to eat it. The “shelf-life” of citrus fruits tends to be longer than other portable fruits like apples, pears, etc due to it’s tough outer-layer. The durability of the peel also makes citrus fruit a nice snack to throw in my purse or gym bag. We can all agree, eating healthy is more than making the right choices; it includes having the right food on hand at the right time and being convenient. Another bonus is the vitamin C content in mandarins keeps us youthful – data suggests mandarins prevent wrinkles and in a separate body of research, adequate vitamin C levels can reduce body fat.