- A good kick-start for the week. http://t.co/u05ssr58 #
- I knew there was good reason I rejected the idea of going on statins as a teen just bc I was type 1 DM…. http://t.co/IbG1jCxl #
- Concrete evidence that non-celiac gluten sensitivity actually exists, i.e. everyone can benefit from a gluten free… http://t.co/6fWp1Exk #
- Random item from the grocery today – Jicama!
Dinner was delicious – shredded chicken with cumin, chili powder,… http://t.co/CyJWAWjL #
- Share or not share? Oh, I love my coffee… http://t.co/T1xR9UxO #
- This is wild stat, especially because high blood pressure has silent symptoms. http://t.co/xGUBPvdP #
- Bacon isn't a detox food? http://t.co/LDLk7eka #
- BachPad! #guiltypleasure #
- Headed to my first Awesome Women in Business Networking event! http://t.co/wfg8ms37 http://t.co/UcD3YUHg #
- Headed to my first Awesome Women in Business Networking event! http://t.co/wfg8ms37 http://t.co/NqL7bLYa #
- Met a lady this morning who survived Tower 1; getting chills again just typing this. 9/11 #
- What are your staple items at the grocery store? http://t.co/P81zlm2p http://t.co/rmWIeR95 #
- #MedtronicMinimed I am so over you. No excuse to have 4 defected insulin pumps in 1 year! Finishing my supplies then onto #OmniPod #
- IBI research released today shows poor health costs U.S. economy $576 billion: http://t.co/2DGR3roU http://t.co/UZXXtlHi #
- IBI research released today shows poor health costs U.S. economy $576 billion: http://t.co/2DGR3roU http://t.co/AQtFl4aG #
- IBI research released today shows poor health costs U.S. economy $576 billion:… http://t.co/ykO5lDzs #
- First Paleo Meet Up tonight in the US! Topic – Vitamin D. Lets see what I learn…. http://t.co/tYcfK7tP #
- http://t.co/vEGLT02I http://t.co/seTrMpGF #
- 80 Percent of Your Body Composition Success Is Determined by How You Eat
Read more:… http://t.co/fHaW4fRI #
- Great post Mark http://t.co/xH5TfAwm http://t.co/e31icDO2 #
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