1. Friends and family are the best gifts in life.

2. Life is too good, to eat bad. When I choose foul foods for my body, my quality of life is deterred. Not worth it.

3. Working hard doesn’t mean I’m working smart. Keeping the end in mind is vital.

4. To take 3 deep breaths at least one time a day, if not more.

5. To turn off my computer and avoid my phone when watching a funny show. It’s harder to laugh when multi-tasking; or for me, understanding the joke!

6. To treat myself monthly, from anything including a walk in the park. a trip, or a massage. This helps prevent burning my fuse at both ends.

7. To be skeptical of any advice I get; even if it’s from a profound doctor. My Grams just turned 87 and she is still hesitant to fully endorse any opinions she is given.

8. To not be hesitant to say “I love you” to those I care about.

9. I will never know enough, but will always have the drive to learn.

10. To always go with my gut feeling. I sure nourish it! #Probiotics #Diet

11. To be my own health advocate, get second opinions and also research for myself what is best for me.

12. Gratitude is the key to happiness.

13. Walks are the best dose of medicine.

14. I don’t ever want to win the lottery. If I do, well my friends, we have a vacation to go on.

15. Let food by thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food. The end.

16. Mind over body is powerful.

17. We should take hot baths weekly in the winter months. Epsom salts are an extra perk!

18. Relationships come and go, but the memories mold us to who we are.

19. I am able to achieve anything and everything I put my mind to. This serves as a reminder to dream big.

20. It’s worth the expense to spend extra on good wine.

21. If I had genie in a bottle, I’d wish that we all were gluten free (eating foods that are naturally gluten free, not foods that have a label gluten free on it).

22. I love love love to travel. October Fest is now on my 5 year bucket list.

23. I consider New Zealand to be what heaven looks like.

24. It’s okay to cry.

25. Having a baby/family is the best feeling in the WORLD.

26. You can’t put a dollar on time.

27. We all have stress, and we should not stress about things we cannot change.

28. Once I found my calling, I became my best person.

29. If money were no object I’d continue what I do, become a natropath and be a bike taxi in my spare time.

30. That I am blessed.