Taking charge of our health is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, including preventing cancer. Aim to be your best person, by choosing the best foods for your body. Looking at cancer prevention specifically, eat/drink more of these nutrient-rich foods.
Folate – a B vitamin, helps reduce the risk of colon, rectum and breast cancer. However, don’t mistake this naturally occurring vitamin for folic acid. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate. Where should one seek out this nutrient? Check out strawberries, melons, asparagus, pasture-raised eggs, liver, sunflower seeds and leafy greens, to name a few. You may see people tout the benefits of fortified cereals and grains, however, I do not advise these foods. They can indeed deplete your nutrient stores due to phytates and other anti-nutrients. Make it a simple choice, choose food in it’s natural form.
Lycopene – I say tomato, you say tomato…load up my friends, and if the tomato product is heated (i.e. tomato sauce or paste), the lycopene may be more bio-available aka better to absorb.
Hydrate – and I am not talking about drinking sweet beverages or sodas. I am looking at the power of tea. Change up the variety you consume too. With the weather getting warmer, brew up some tea, allow it to cool and pour over some ice. Benefits come from the typical green tea to the herbal kind. Here are some of my favorite flavors.
Spice – spice up your plate, palate and entree with spices. Specifically turmeric. Yet, dried and fresh herbs are loaded with antioxidants. Don’t be shy to spice up your plate.
Berries – these are my fruit of choice for myself and recommendation for clients. They are packed with health and research even shows the deactivation of certain cancer substances and slowing the growth of cancer.
Overall, aim to eat real, whole food. The story doesn’t change and you are left with nothing but positives. Whole, real food provide vitamins, minerals, water, fiber, all helping you avoid unwanted gene expression (cancer). One more pointer, enjoy foods of all colors. Diversify your plate starting with your grocery list.
Cheers to you and good health,
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