While plugging away on my latest writing project (have I mentioned I am writing a book?!) an email came through my inbox with the subject line: A Big Thank You.
I thought, what could this be? What have I done recently? As I opened the email with joy and anticipation, I read the bolded copy below from a past client.
Filled with gratitude, I share these words with you today. Cheers to you and good health, and a BIG thank you to those who have welcomed me into their lives, asking for help on nutrition.
Hi Kelly,
I hope you, your family, and your business are doing well! I just wanted to send you a thank you email for all of your help! With your help and the addition of the pump, I have achieved awesome bg readings! My CDE has been amazed saying she does not see this kind of stability with Type 1s, and to keep doing what I’m doing! I’m not sure you remember, but I was so excited to meet you after finding you online, seeing your services, and seeing your bg readings. I was amazed with your bg readings, and you gave me inspiration to know that tight control of T1D is possible! So, thank you so much!
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