I choose my meals based on 1) desire, 2) blood sugar control/moderating the carbohydrates in the meal, 3) foods I tolerate (use of an elimination diet and a food sensitivity test), 4) my activity level and 5) satiety. I aim to allow a meal to keep me full from one meal to the next, or 4-6 hours. On this work day, I came up with a “sandwich” that was so awesome that I had to share the details. I’ll call it the “Peach Gobbler.”

On this work day, I came up with a “sandwich” that was so awesome that I had to share the details. I’ll call it the “Peach Gobbler.” It’s packed with protein to help keep my blood sugars stable, a few healthy carbohydrates to help round out the meal, and healthy fat to keep me satiated. I have found that it’s easy to keep my blood sugars in range and steady by keeping the total grams of carbohydrates in a meal to less than 30 grams. This came to 23 grams. Nice!


  • 4 large romaine lettuce leaves
  • 3 ounces of organic turkey deli meat
  • 1 small white peach, sliced
  • 2 ounces of goat cheese
  • 2 slices of bacon, sulfate free, turkey
  • salt, pepper, fresh cilantro and green onion to taste
  • a drizzle of raw honey


Use 2 romaine lettuce leaves as a stand in for sliced bread.

Layer on the deli meat, goat cheese, spices/herbs, then honey, topping it all off with warm bacon and the remaining lettuce leaves.

Slice in half and enjoy.

For extra credit and nutrition add some fermented vegetables as a side and a fat-bomb for a treat!

Nutrition Details – sources include USDA

  • Total calories: 398
  • Fat: 18 grams
  • Protein: 39 grams
  • Fiber: 4 grams
  • Carbs: 23 grams