When you’ve just had a baby, you’ve got a lot to think about and do. Your main focuses are feeding and looking after your baby and getting some sleep. Yet, despite everything else that we’ve got going on, many of us worry about our weight and getting back into our pre-pregnancy jeans. You might also worry about boosting your fitness levels and increasing your stamina.

To start with, it’s crucial to give yourself a break. Concentrate on your baby and your health, eat well, drink lots of water, and give yourself grace. Get as much rest as you can, and remember, it took you ten months to gain your baby weight, it’s okay if it takes just as long to lose it. Don’t rush yourself. Your body has been through considerable stress. Not just giving birth, the whole of your pregnancy has been tough on your body, and it deserves a rest.

But, as soon as you are feeling able, and your doctor has given you the all clear, exercise can be a great idea. Don’t worry about your weight, and don’t push yourself too hard, but getting a little exercise can be good for your health and your mood. It can give you a little much needed time on your own, and it can help you to get some rest. So, how do you manage this with a baby in tow? It doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think.

Get Organized

If you want time to exercise, you might need to get a little more organized. Order diapers, shop in bulk, get into a routine as soon as you can, and get your partner helping out as much as possible.

Start Walking


When you’ve got a young baby, walking is the best way to exercise for two reasons. Firstly, it’s relatively easy on your body. Doing more steps each day helps you to burn more calories, works your muscles and helps to boost your fitness levels, without pushing your body too hard. Secondly, you don’t need to find time on your own. Put your baby in their stroller or a sling and take them out with you.

Home Workouts

There are so many workouts on YouTube. Many of which are aimed at new moms. Try yoga and gentle pilates if you want to relax, stretch out and work your muscles. Or have a go at a gentle aerobic routine if you want to get a cardio workout. Start with 10-minute videos, make sure you stretch and increase the length of your workouts when you are able.

If you don’t fancy any proper videos, simple stretches while holding your baby, or dancing around the kitchen with them can be a great workout.

Join a Class or Club

Have a look for new mom exercise classes at your local gym or community center, some of these offer creche services. Alternatively, look at notice boards or social media accounts for your local park. Many play host to moms and strollers groups, where new moms walk and stretch together with their babies. This is a great way to meet new people, get some fresh air and get back into exercise.