Yikes, it’s smok’n hot outside. All I want to do it is soak up the summer at the pool, but with a fulltime job, there is little of that happening. What to do? Make each summer day count by setting some time aside to do some of your favorite seasonal things.

1.  Instead of planting flowers, pick some flowers that are about to expire for the season. I’ve done this a handfull of times with our daisies. They were taking over the yard and I made a vase full for our kitchen counter. Flowers always brighten my mood.

2.  Run in the rain, through the ocean water along the beach or run laps in the pool! Who said pool laps are only meant for swimming? A rainy day shouldn’t hold you back from a run. It’s more refreshing than you would think and you’ll have a blast doing it.

3.  Paint! Whether it be face-painting, drawing on the sidewalk or an actual picture. Get creative with the blossoming plants and energy around you.

4.  Have you ever been in a book club? This season start up a grill club. Rotate with a group of friends and locations to throw something on the grill. I LOVE kabobs with chunks of vegetables and onions along with a spicy meat.

5. On the topic of reading, set aside more time this summer to read a book, a new magazine and/or follow a new blog. Land yourself on a picnic blanket in a park on the weekend and soak up some good reading.

Cheers to you and good health! Have a healthy and fit day!