How has 2011 treated you? Are you wishing it away and itching for the new year or are you trying to hold onto every last bit?

I am indifferent about 2011. It has certainly been the most courageous year of my life. I left my amazing family in the States to relocate with my now husband in Melbourne, Australia, got hitched, started a new career in a new industry, broadened and nurtured relationships and friendships, became an aunt, traveled to New Zealand, had a rough accident, and more. All in all I do not have a single regret.

Melbourne is one of the best cities I have ever been to, let alone lived in. The cafe lifestyle, the friendliness, the amazing wine and sexy-delicious food is irreplaceable. I have become more patient as a person with this city and I have grown to appreciate the smallest things- like shops being closed on Sundays or my boss suggesting I go for a run on my lunch break. I am obsessed with Australia’s nature, I love my daily walks, and biking (when I can) and more.

Getting married has been wonderful too. That is an understatement; I love being married. It is a sureal feeling and blessed relationship. Ask me this again in 5 years…kidding!

Shortly after we stated our vows I got in an unfortunate accident. However, I am on the mend and learned a lot about myself. There are so many things that can be handled better when you put your mind and positive focus to it. This accident crushed me but with the support and prayers from home, I have held my head high and am forever grateful for friends, family and personal capabilities. For a span of this time I was not able to speak. From having to write and motion everything to my nurse husband, I finally was able to talk but then could not smile. My smile is almost back and a simple thing like this is something I took for granted.

Oh 2011 you were a joyous one and a challenging one. I have learned to live in the moment from you and you have made me excited for the bright year ahead. In 2012 I want to be my best person and continue to grow. But please, play nice.

I would love to hear your thoughts about 2011.

Cheers to you and good health!