Tis the season to be Jolly…falalala la la la…

Have you finished you holiday shopping? Have you started? Right about now I am thinking that I could have easily done some Christmas shopping this wekeend and….I did not. In all honesty at this point in the game I have only frequented my friend Amazon for gifts. But really, eeek, Christmas is around the corner! Along with this beloved holiday there can be a truckload of to-dos, let alone breaking your nice daily routine of work, gym, personal time, etc.

However, embrace the chaos and alter your perspective; if your thoughts are similar to the Grinch’s. Christmas comes only once a year and this week go with the flow and choose your food wisely and fit in fitness where you can. Hey, why not sing some Jingle Bells in the shower while you are at it. I will.

Along with my caroling this week I am lacing up my sneakers and plan to get back to running. It’s been months! My jaw is healing pretty well, the pain is subsiding and running is calling my name. For a little inspiration and perspective alteration, read what Dean Karnazes has to say:

“Running has an uncanny ability to mellow the soul, to take the edge off hard feelings, and put things back into healthy perspective.”