Today, 29/11/11, I ate…

Breakfast: 9AM
1/2 medium banana

I woke up around 6:30AM but I was not at all hungry. Those that are reading this and keep up with nutrition advice may be shocked I did not eat something within a 30 minute window of waking up. Contrary to popular belief there is no reason we need to eat within 30 minutes or immediately after waking up. We should not even be restricted to 3 square meals a day. We should eat when we are hungry and some research suggests eating during daylight hours only.

As you can see in my log, I have been doing so but once I have a constant schedule and have stable, consistent blood sugars and my sleep is good I will be more tuned into my hunger signals and may not follow the consistent pattern you have been seeing in the past few food logs. Have you ever heard of Intermittent Fasting? This is the direction I intend to go. I have done it in the past and helps with insulin sensitivity and more.

Exercise: 4 mile walk

Lunch: 12:30PM
Vegetable juice (beets, carrot, celery, lemon, ginger, mint)
1 hard boiled egg
ham, deli

Snack: 3PM
Almond butter (Geesh, I love this stuff)
Never could you guess I am trying to avoid nuts and seeds. Nuts are my candy.

Dinner: 5:45PM
Kangaroo burger with cheese
Mashed avocado

Cheese is not considered paleo and with this craving I once again learned I should always steer clear of dairy. For one reason or another, dairy always exasperates my blood sugar. The above dinner is a low carbohydrate meal but my post meal blood sugar was abnormally high. Can anyone else relate to this occurrence? Some of the more well known paleo medical folks, such as Rob Woff, suggest that anyone with an auto immune disease should not consume dairy because of the inflammation it causes. 

Till next time. Cheers to you and good health!